The SBC Customer Service Awards are a partnership between the organisation and companies who invest in customer experience and customer service programs to drive loyalty and develop deeper relationships with their customers. Since 2009 , on an annual basis SBC has been hosting the Diamond Service Service Awards (DSA's) and since 2017 included a Diamond Service Learning Journey (DSLJ) as the ultimate Prize. The main purpose of the awards is to promote excellence and best practice in Customer Service and to highlight their importance of client satisfaction in today’s business climate. The range of award categories is designed to recognise the most important service roles and activities. The categories are open to entries from companies across the whole spectrum of industry, commerce and the public sector and from organisations of all sizes.
Let’s Take a Little Trip Down Memory Lane…
Diamond Service Learning Journey (Thailand 2025)
Diamond Service Awards 2024
Diamond Service Learning Journey (DALLAS 2024)
Diamond Service Awards 2023